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Robin stands in front of a green-leaved bush, wearing a Museum t-shirt

罗宾·克鲁普(她/她) is a proud Sonoran Desert rat, shaped from birth by this amazing land. Childhood desert explorations led her to study the natural world and our connections with it. 她得了B.A. from the University of Arizona in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 拉丁美洲研究, 和西班牙语, and completed her Master’s in Education with a focus on Environmental 学习ing in 2003. She has been an Education Specialist at the Desert Museum since 1998 where she is grateful to always learn more and to be able to share her love of nature with a wide variety of students. 除了营地, she teaches on-site and outreach programs with our animal teachers, 开发课程, and coordinates the Museum's Coati儿童俱乐部 program.

Michelle stands in front of a green-leaved bush, wearing a blue zippered jacket

米歇尔·康斯坦扎·米纳 is an Education Specialist with a focus in childhood nature education involving music, 运动, 科学, 艺术, 还有活的动物. You can expect to find her hugging rocks, 笑得太大声, or gazing at native bees (cactus specialists are a favorite). 米歇尔得了B.A. 环境研究/生态学 & Evolutionary Biology at UC Santa Cruz in 2012 and a M.S. in Entomology at UC Riverside in 2018. 她曾与美国地质勘探局合作, 物, and USDA on research projects including desert tortoises, 威胁 & endangered marsh birds, and pollinator diversity. Michelle does not like creepy crawly things… she loves them!

Grayson smiles at the camera, a green landscape behind them

格雷森G(他们/他们) is an Educator for the Desert Museum. They have a Master’s degree in Science Museum Studies from the Cooperstown Graduate Program in New York. After having moved across the country to Tucson, they have fallen in love with the Sonoran Desert. Grayson enjoys 3D printing, collecting rocks, and learning about animals and plants. Their ultimate goal as an educator is to bring awareness to the diversity of life surrounding us, and find new ways to make sure it’s here for future generations.

Angela stands in a desert landscape, wearing a green fleec vest with an 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台 patch on the left side.

安吉拉·洛亚-斯托比(她/她) is an Education Specialist at the Desert Museum. 在威斯康辛州出生和长大, Angela moved out to Tucson to study at the University of Arizona and fell in love with the Sonoran Desert. In addition to her studies at the UofA in Veterinary Science and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Angela studied informal 科学 education at UCSB. Angela has worked at camps all across the country as a challenge course instructor, 射箭教练, 博物学家, STEM教育工作者. Angela also leads guided hikes, mountain biking rides and climbing experiences. Angela has a passion for exploring the natural world alongside youth by making discovery accessible and exciting for all!

Kyleigh holds a small snake while wearing an inset antenna head piece

凯莉·萨科(她/他们)  aspires to create a safe space for everyone to explore! Having lived in southern Arizona all her life, she is a desert rat through-and-through. She attended the University of Arizona earning a B.A. in theatre 艺术s (minor in anthropology) and a B.S. in natural resources (emphasis in global change) - which is a fancy way of saying that she spent most of her college career making funny faces, 与本地植物交谈, 希望有一个更好的未来. Through some experimentation as a teaching 艺术ist, 入侵植物识别器, and school gardener she has found her focus - the way that people interact with the outdoors. As an Education Specialist at the 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台 she hopes to encourage people to find their own unique way to connect and engage with the beautiful Sonoran Desert. Everyone deserves a spot in the patchwork of this amazing and diverse place.

Nick smiles while standing in front of green foliage, in full sunlight

尼克·鲍尔斯(他/他) spent his youth running around in the wash, and he never really stopped. Even now, Nick is always hiking, running, and exploring the desert with his dog, Bella. Nick went to the University of Arizona, 他从哪里知道虫子的, 大脑, 机器人, 和历史, getting his degree in Neuro科学 in 2019. 现在, when he’s not exploring or cleaning up the river, Nick spends his time educating at the 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台. He believes that learning and curiosity can lead to respect, and respect will lead to a better world!



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